This product is 100% authentic. Seller has got rid of certain product code information from the thing tag. |
PAYMENT: We accept PayPal Transactions. We only process orders which are PayPal seller protection eligible and have a confirmed PayPal address. Any orders which are paid with an E-check type of payment aren’t guaranteed as the order will only be processed when the payment is cleared. |
ABOUT YOUR SHIPMENT: Orders will likely be shipped on the most economical service to be had. If you want us to ship with faster products and services, please message us prematurely, another way all shipment will likely be handled equally and shipped with essentially the most economical service(Free shipping and Flat rate shipping) Orders are processed within one business day. Orders which are completed on Friday/Saturday/Sunday will likely be prepared and shipped on the following Monday (except for holidays). All information is in keeping with EST. If for any reason the thing is undeliverable or refused, the customer may have an technique to reship the thing for a reshipping fee or the customer will likely be We are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Please note orders that have values more than $100.00 will likely be shipped as signature required shipment. |
FOR INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: All international orders will likely be shipped the use of USPS. All countries are different and we can’t be answerable for any duties, taxes or government fees. For those who aren’t sure please don’t make the acquisition as we haven’t any keep watch over of these fees. If for any reason the thing is undeliverable or refused, the customer will likely be charged back the shipping fees for the unique shipment and the returned shipping fees. |
DON’T LIKE THEM OR WANT TO EXCHANGE? You may also return or exchange your purchase within 14 days of receipt for a refund. All return items are subject to a 15% restocking fee. The 15% restocking fee will likely be waived for all exchanged items which are in stock. Customers will likely be answerable for all return shipping charges. All returns MUST have the RETURN/EXCHANGE form filled out which is included within the original shipment. |
ASK ME A QUESTION: Guaranteed 100% authentic. You probably have other questions, on the bottom of this listing, click “Ask a question” button to message us. |
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